1 service offered by this service providerProvides 24-hour policing services to Port Hardy, enforces federal laws, and participates in peacekeeping efforts.Address
7355 Columbia Street,
Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0
Administration hours are 9 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday. Calls are answered 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Serves Coal Harbour, Holberg, Port Alice, Port Hardy, and Winter Harbour.Mailing address
PO Box 86,
Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0
Non-emergency (24-hour): 250-949-6335
Emergency : 911
Fax: 250-949-6938
Provided by Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General
93 other services offered by this agencyFacilitates offender programs, supervises court orders, and supports offenders to make positive changes in their behaviour and attitudes.Website
9250 Trustee Road,
Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0
Also prepares reports and assessments about adult offenders, victims, and sentencing options for the court. Serves Alert Bay, Holburg, Kingcome Inlet, Port Alice, Port Hardy, Port McNeill, Sointula, Winter Harbour, Woss, and Zeballos. Office hours are 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday.Mailing address
PO Box 818,
Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0
Phone 1: 250-949-6361
Phone 2: 1-888-272-7333
Fax: 250-949-9781
Promotes literacy to the communities of Alert Bay, Coal Harbour, Echo Bay, Gilford Island, Gwa'Sala-Nakwaxda'xw, Holberg, Fort Rupert, Kingcome, Port Alice, Port Hardy, Port McNeill, Quatsino, Sointula, Tsakis, Tsulquate, and Woss.Website
No address available
Literacy Outreach Coordinator works with community organizations to build and enhance literacy services and programs based on the needs of the communities. One to One Children's Literacy Program provides trained volunteer tutors for Grade 1 to 7 children during school hours to work on literacy skills. Offered in Port Alice, Port Hardy, and Port McNeill.Address
No address available
Email: mwfamilyliteracy@gmail.com
Literacy Outreach Coordinator: 250-230-1645
Provided by Connective
43 other services offered by this agencyProvides affordable housing in apartments for low-income individuals in Port Hardy.Website
No address available
Rent is geared to income. Apply directly to provider.Mailing address
3360 Fraser Street South,
Vancouver, BC V5V 4C1
Email: rentals@connective.ca
Administration: 604-872-5651
Volunteer firefighters respond to fires and other emergencies to protect people, property, and the environment.Website
8890 Central Street,
Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0
Services include firefighting, emergency medical response, emergency rescue, and the inspection of buildings to ensure they meet the fire code and bylaws. Serves Port Hardy. Call 911 for emergency service 24 hours a day, seven days a week.Mailing address
PO Box 68,
Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0
Email: firechief@porthardy.ca
Emergency (24-hour): 911
Non-emergency: 250-230-0341
Fax: 250-949-6572
2 services offered by this service providerProvides acute care services to assess and treat medical conditions.Website
9120 Granville Street,
Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0
Provides emergency services, diagnostic services, intensive care, convalescent care, and rehabilitation services. Also offers specialty outpatient clinics and educational programs for medical conditions and chronic diseases. Hours are 7 am to 5 pm. Afterhours, emergency services are offered at Port McNeill Hospital. Serves Port Hardy. Operated by Island Health.Mailing address
9120 Granville Street,
Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0
Emergency (24-hour): 911
Non-emergency: 250-902-6011
Services offered by this service provider:
Forensic Nursing Services - Port Hardy
Indigenous Patient Navigator (IPN) - Port Hardy
Provided by North Island Crisis and Counselling Centre Society
15 other services offered by this agencyProvides free integrated health and social services for youth ages 12 to 24 and their families.Website
2-7053 Market Street,
Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0
Mental health care, substance use services, primary health care, youth and family peer supports, and social services are accessible under one roof. Also offers a variety of social and wellness programs for youth. Self or other referral accepted. Serves Alert Bay, Port Hardy, Port McNeill, Sointula, and area. Hours vary; call for service schedule.Mailing address
2-7053 Market Street,
Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0
Email: foundryporthardy@gmail.com
Phone 1: 250-949-8333
Provided by Island Health
311 other services offered by this agencyProvides services for youth ages 13 to 19 who are experiencing difficulties related to their own or someone else’s alcohol or drug use.Website
7035 Market Street,
Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0
Services include assessment, treatment, individual and family counselling, education, early intervention and prevention initiatives, and referral to supported residential services, withdrawal management services, and other community resources. Open referral. Serves Alert Bay, Coal Harbour, Holberg, Port Alice, Port Hardy, Port McNeill, Quatsino, Telegraph Cove, and Winter Harbour. Individuals younger than 13 or older than 19 will be considered on an individual basis. Hours are from 8:30 am to 5 pm and services is by appointment only.Mailing address
PO Box 1035,
Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0
Email: discovery@viha.ca
Phone 1: 250-902-6063
Fax: 250-902-6064
Provided by RCMP - Port HardyServes victims of all types of crime or trauma.Address
7355 Columbia Street,
Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0
Provides emotional support, court orientation and accompaniment, form completion assistance, and liaison with justice system personnel. Also provides information about the criminal justice system, court proceedings, case status, and hearing dates, as well as referral to community resources. Serves Coal Harbour, Holberg, Port Alice, Port Hardy, Quatsino, and Winter Harbour. Office hours vary but on call at all times. Funded by Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General (MPSSG).Mailing address
PO Box 86,
Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0
Phone 1: 250-902-2007
Fax: 250-949-6938
Provided by Island Health
311 other services offered by this agencyProvides confidential information and education regarding sexuality and health to youths and young adults 25 years of age and under.Website
Port Hardy Health Unit, 7070 Market Street ,
Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0
Services include birth control, emergency contraception, and pregnancy testing and counselling, as well as testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, and testing and information about HIV. Also refers youth to community support services such as counsellors and youth workers. Serves Port Hardy. No referral required. Contact for hours.Mailing address
Port Hardy Health Unit, PO Box 46, 7070 Market Street,
Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0
Phone 1: 250-902-6071
Provided by Ministry of Attorney General
229 other services offered by this agencyReviews all charges referred by the police to determine if it is feasible to proceed with the case.Address
9300 Trustee Road,
Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0
Prosecutes the case and makes recommendations to the court as to an appropriate sentence. Contacts victims and witnesses if they have to testify at the trial and reviews the case with victims, explains court procedures, and provides information on the date of trial and date of sentencing. Also covers out-of-town travel costs when victims and witnesses are required by Crown Counsel to attend court. Serves Alert Bay, Bella Bella, Port Alice, Port Hardy, and Port McNeill. Office hours are 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday.Mailing address
PO Box 879,
Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0
Phone 1: 250-949-8644
Crown Counsel Office - Vancouver Island Region: 1-888-339-1188
Fax: 250-949-7938
Provides subsidized housing for individuals with a disability and older adults ages 55 and up whose gross household income is below a certain limit.Website
7480 Rupert Street,
Port Hardy, BC
Smoking is not permitted in the building. Apply by mail to Port Hardy Seniors Housing Society.Mailing address
Port Hardy Seniors Housing Society, PO Box 126,
Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0
No contact information available
Provided by Port Hardy Hospital
1 other services offered by this agencyOffers free, confidential health care to individuals of all ages and genders who have experienced physical or sexual violence within the last seven days through the Emergency Department.Website
9120 Granville Street,
Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0
Services include compassionate and culturally sensitive care, unbiased assistance helping patients make informed decisions about their health care, collection of forensic samples up to 72 hours after an assault (with consent), liaison with the legal system (with consent), and referrals for follow-up care. Service is offered from 7 am to 5 pm. Afterhours, services are offered at Port McNeill Hospital. No referral or appointment required. Serves Port Hardy.Mailing address
9120 Granville Street,
Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0
Phone 1: 250-902-6011
Provides information on 12-step support groups for women and men who want to stop drinking or are recovering from alcoholism.Website
No address available
Meeting times and locations are listed on the website. Serves Alert Bay, Bella Bella, Fort Rupert, Kyuquot, Port Alice, Port Hardy, Port McNeill, Sointula, and Zeballos.Address
No address available
24 hour: 604-435-2181
Provided by North Island Crisis and Counselling Centre Society
15 other services offered by this agencyOffers free counselling to female survivors of family violence, sexual assault, or historical abuse of any kind.Website
7095 Beverley Parnham Way,
Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0
Open to women age 19 and up. Serves Alert Bay, Port Alice, Port Hardy, Port McNeill, and Sointula. Funded by Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General (MPSSG).