so I want to start off by saying that you know it’s sad to see that doctors are let off with so much said it is horrific to know that doctors are let off with malpractice and election and the fact that they are let off with this in BC alone, there is so much to do with the law here in BCthey are letting them off with neglect and malpractice because the law and BC allows them to get away with it. They have so many lawyers that the barricades within BC allows them to get away with it because basically they are treating people with disrespect racism, neglection malpractice. They are treating people with discrimination. Now this could be your mother. This could be your infant. This could be your child. This could be your parents. This could be anyone how is this allowed and why is this allowed, answer these questions. I am a victim of malpractice neglection is it that I’m not getting any answers today I talk to many people. It is Friday, September 27, 2024 and I am tired. I am tired of talking myself straight. I am tired of talking to the Port Hardy residence because I am laughing stock. I am the laughing stock of the community they think I am lying. They think I am not telling the truth and they think that is just the joke. Do you think the poor Hardy hospital isn’t doing any of this, the fact is that the Port Hardy hospital is doing this and that they are going to find out themselves they’ll find out the hard way the fact that the malpractice neglection is going on and it is happening. It’s not only me that it’s happening to there is staff members that is happening to there is staff members that are quitting. There are people that are being straight up being told off and being neglected and being malpractice on there is people that are being yelled at, there is confidentiality that is supposed to be confidentiality is being leaked out in public people of the RNLPN you know this is not allowed to be out in public. These records are supposed to be sealed unless you asked for your records but the people of Port Hardy Hospital is allowing these records to be leaked to talking about it would amongst the public, when you sign up, would you sign papers and documents that you were not allowed to leak these documents? They are these files and it’s getting back to people and it’s getting back to me. I found out through people so now I’m taking precaution and I’m taking actions I have to like going to the legal aspects but the legal aspects haven’t got back to me. They haven’t wrote me back. They have an emailed me so now I’m going to the social media and I’m going to the news with all information and legal information and proof that I have to prove to them that I have the information to prove that this has happened, when you think about what has happened over three years of neglection malpractice and the severity of the situation it happened when you made fun of the shower when you get made fun of how small you are when you get made fun of how slow you are because you have a partial paralyzation this is when I was in a wheelchair or when you get made fun of because you are unable to do things on your own because you are having seizures. This is unfair to the person that is unable to do things when you’re having seizures and you piss yourself and you’re unable to put the adult depends on this is unfair to the person and you ask for help to do it this is unfair to the person and then you get yelled at and asked to do it like you’re a fucking grown man do yourself, you can’t even lift your arms to do it. how is having a seizure for 5 to 6 hours writing a seizure and smashing your face off the wall for that long and then your parents walk in and see you on the floor and then the nurse is oh, how long has he been on the floor for and they did nothing and see you half naked on the floor and they did nothing but leave an O2 metre on your hand and they say 5 to 6 hours, we get off your phones and do something instead of me bleeding and doing damage. Do something neglect how is that even possibly HUMAN? This is neglect. This is the type of shit that I went through then I was abused by different nurses wives or whatever they’re called. They were pinching me because I wasn’t fast enough. they would say hurry up I got shit to do. I got other patients to attend to. You know what I’m disabled and unable to do things as fast as I used to be. I got a $7000 leg. Do you think I’m able to go as fast as I used to be. I used to work do you? I’m a red seal I used to do things on my own. I used to be able to cook on my own and do other things on my own I can’t do any of that anymore. How do you think I feel now my mother takes care of me yeah and she’s 51 so I don’t want my mother taking care of me. Nobody wants her mother taking care of them as a grown ass man that takes a lot self-esteem out of a person it’s embarrassing, and truthfully, nobody will understand my pain as a man unless you ride my pain and suffering or my troubles as riding my shoes or my shoes I should say and live my life you try doing seizures every fucking day or try living in pain every day you want cancer fuck take my cancer free but you know I rather have cancer than anyone else because it’s a dirty fucking disease maybe is calmer from all the shit that I did in my life. Maybe it’s all the shit that I did to the people. Maybe it’s all the hurt that I did to the people maybe just maybe but I have accepted the terms and relations of the factual conditions and elements, but I have carried on and I will stay strong, no matter what and who will say what they want about me or dislike about me or start rumours about me. I know the truth it is my life story not yours and you don’t even know me so if you wanna start bullshit or if you wanna start some shit about me feel free start it start up but if you wanna play with fire fire and actuations, it’s OK there’s a law for that and not law is it exist so I’d be careful so unless you know like I do or pursue something watch yourself and watch yourself careful because I’m fighting fire with a wildfire cause I’m a wildfire and I’m going to come back fighting for the fucking top and I am not stopping now I’m going to the very top. I’ll climb to the top and I will step foot into the motherfucking middle of the mountain and I’ll plant my feet to the ground and say I did it because I’m a different person I wrote my book. I said what I said and the very first achievement that I can say that I’m proud of is my book not my red seal not my IT not any of my certifications or anything like that none of that fucking matters, nothing matters but that book because the truth will set you free if you can’t tell the truth, nobody will like you the truth is always going to bring out the better things in life eventually validating the true person within you and if you need to learn how to love yourself and learn the true you and the aspects of everything in life then you need to learn you so start somewhere and start now the beginning is a new chapter to your life and start of a new beginning so why not start now start a new page write your book and write a book about you. Everyone has a book within so start writing your book.